Re-opening of the library from Monday 29 November 2021

We are pleased to advise that the Bar library will re-open from Monday 29 November and will be open between 8:30am and 5:30pm.
Visiting Guidelines and Safety Requirements
You must check in using the QR code at the entrance to the library. Please make sure you bring your phone.
It is a requirement under the New South Wales Bar Association's COVID 19 Vaccination Policy that all visitors to the library be fully vaccinated. Please make available for inspection your evidence of vaccination status to a staff member once you have checked in.
The New South Wales Bar Association Vaccination Policy is available here.
Please note the following further safety measures :
- Please sanitise your hands on arrival and departure.
- It is strongly recommended that you wear a mask.
- Please be mindful of social distancing (1.5 metres between you and others) at all times.
- If you are feeling unwell, even with mild cold or flu symptoms such as sore throat/cough, please do not visit the Library.
Please adhere to these guidelines for the safety of all members and staff. Members are requested to exercise courtesy and patience when requested by Association staff to provide a vaccination certificate or adhere to these safety procedures.
In an effort to minimise the handling of materials, the following loan procedures will apply. Any books currently on the shelf in the library will need to be collected from the shelf and borrowed by the member (or agent), this will be done via a self service kiosk.
Any books currently on loan and which have been reserved, will be loaned to the member by the librarians after 24 hours quarantine and put out in the Click & Collect trolley for collection during library hours.
You will receive an email confirmation that the books are available to collect. The books will be checked out and ready for your collection when you receive the email. Please do not come in until you have received this email.
You will now only be able to reserve books that are currently on loan.
There is a trolley available at the front door during library hours for you to deposit returned books safely. Please do not return books when the library is closed. Returned books will not be available to borrow for a minimum of 24 hours for health and safety reasons.