Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
21st Century legal practice : international and domestic by the Honourable T F Bathurst AC as part of the Chief Justices Past and Present Dispute Resolution Lecture Series
Australia's engagement with the International Court of Justice : practical and political factors by Bill Campbell in Melbourne journal of international law, Vol 21(3), 2021 - "describes both the political decisions behind, and the practical organisation of, Australia's encounters with the ICJ, focusing on the Whaling in the Antarctic case"
Beware the automatic renewal clause : unfair contract terms examined by Teresa Torcasio and Zoe Vise of HWL Ebsworth - considers unfair contract terms
Can Clive Palmer use investor-state dispute settlement to get what the High Court wouldn't give him? by Jonathan Bonnitcha on Aus Pub Law - considers Mineralogy Pty Ltd v State of Western Australia [2021] HCA 30
The duty of medical assessors and review panels to ensure procedural fairness by Andrew Gorman of McCabes - considers Chahrouk v Allianz Australia Insurance Limited [2021] NSWSC 1457
Equal to everything - Baroness Hale, former President of the Supreme Court and Honorary Fellow of Mansfield College, Oxford discusses her life and legal career with Helen Mountfield QC, Principal of Mansfield
Government by diktat? by Joshua Rozenberg on A Lawyer Writes - considers Government by Diktat : a call to return power to Parliament is the report of the secondary legislation scrutiny committee and Democracy denied? The urgent need to rebalance power between Parliament and the Executive
The High Court's defence of academic freedom in Ridd v JCU by Joshua Forrest and Adrienne Stone on Aus Pub Law - considers Ridd v James Cook University [2021] HCA 32
Law Report (ABC) for 30 November presented by Damian Carrick - Could AI help make the law more accessible for disabled people?
Manner and form mysteries highlighted but unresolved in Mineralogy v WA by Anne Twomey on Aus Pub Law - considers Mineralogy Pty Ltd v State of Western Australia [2021] HCA 30
A platypus in NSW succession law : statutory wills in a managed society by Justice Geoff Lindsay at a STEP Australia (NSW Branch) seminar
The robed Tweeter : two judges' views on public engagement by Stephen Louis A Dillard (Court of Appeals of the State of Georgia) and Bridget Mary McCormack (Michigan Supreme Court) in Journal of appellate practice and process, Vol 20(2) - views on judges engaging the public via social-media platforms
S3 E7 : Should academics be censured? / Challenging the NSW vaccination requirements / Requesting a matter be heard by a female magistrate on The Wigs podcast with Emmanuel Kerkyasharian, Felicity Graham, Stephen Lawrence and Jim Minns