New judgments

Case No. 1149-19-JP / 21: Review of the Judgment of Protection Action Los Cedros Protective Forest (Google Translate at top right) - mining in Ecuadorean forest would violate rights of nature
Huynh v Attorney General (NSW) [2021] NSWCA 297 - "the power conferred by s 79 of the Crimes (Appeal and Review) Act 2001 (NSW)... is not available with respect to a conviction or sentence for an offence against a law of the Commonwealth heard and determined in a New South Wales court"
Paula Susan Chappell as executor of the estate of Robert Hastings Hitchcock v Goldspan Investments Pty Ltd [2021] WASCA 205 - although the word "person" in the ACL doesn't include a person's executor, s 79 of the Judiciary Act allows an executor to continue pending proceedings to judgment
Milligan (No 2) [2021] TASSC 60 - what is a gun?, whether a "gel blaster" that looks like an M4 rifle could be permitted under a firearms license
R v Maudsley [2021] QCA 268 - traces the history of the common law and statutory "misconduct in office" offence and finds that someone can only be guilty if they would not have done the act were it not for their improper purpose