New judgments
Fri Jan 14 2022AFM (1932) Ltd & Ors v Belisco Estates Ltd & Anor [2021] EWHC 3460 (Ch) - "Mr Connell, counsel instructed on behalf of the Applicants (to be individually referred to as "AFM" and "the Liquidators"), opened this case with reference to "The Great Gatsby". Whilst he had in mind Gatsby's mansion, one of its themes is that nothing is as it seems. It is a theme which applies to this case."
Paul & Ors v The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust [2022] EWCA Civ 12 - law on psychiatric injury as it relates to shocking events, where there is a gap in time between the defendant's breach and the shocking event of the primary victim's death
R v White [2022] NSWSC 11 - refusal to grant leave to withdraw plea of guilty; discussion of principles (counsel surprised by plea made on arraignment)