New journals

Alternative law journal, Vol 46(4), 2021 - in this issue : Addressing climate change is beyond urgent Tayanah O’Donnell / Lightbulbs and ducks : the power of tech platforms to make waste disappear Michael Guihot / Making international law, making carbon markets Nicola Silbert / The necessity defence and anthropogenic global warming protests : the times they are a-changin’ Michael Brogan / Protest, policing and law during COVID-19 : on the legality of mass gatherings in a health crisis Greg Martin / Dousing threats and the criminal law in Queensland : do we need a new offence? Joseph Lelliott, Phylicia Lim and Maeve Lu / The Rule of Law : from unconscious unawareness to conscious awareness (and beyond?) Paul Burgess / A false memory trap : verbatim vs gist memories on trial Chris Brook / The culture of non-disclosure and miscarriages of justice Michele Ruyters, Gregory Stratton, Jarryd Bartle / Due process implications of law enforcement agencies using Investigative Genetic Genealogy to solve serious crimes Rhanee Rego, John Anderson /
Australia and pandemics v BLM : No, Love Lost (at the High Court) Part II Asmi Wood /
The COVID-19 border closure to India : would an Australian Human Rights Act have made a difference? Bruce Chen / Bail, prisons and COVID-19 : an Indian perspective Sakshat Bansal, Shruti Sahni
Civil justice quarterly, Vol 41(1), 2022 - in this issue : Don't mention it: the increasing scope of documents obtainable under CPR r31.14 : Scipharm Sarl v Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Trust [2021] EWHC 2079 Matthew Hoyle / An unwarranted approach - costs orders against solicitors acting without authority Daniel Warents / Prospective overruling unravelled Samuel Beswick / Falling on deaf ears? Lawyers and their accounts Jessica C. Lai / The English origin of French cassation Jordi Nieva-Fenoll