Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Does mens rea matter? by Matthew Mizel, Michael Serota, Jonathan Cantor and Joshua Russell-Fritch in Wisconsin Law Review (forthcoming) - considers mens rea
Exceptions to the rule in Browne v Dunn by Madeleine Radford of McCabes - considers Dodson v Woolworths Group Limited [2022] WASCA 22
International Day of Women Judges : an interview with Justice Kate Williams presented by Rule of Law Education Centre
It's payback time! What you need to know if an executor asks you to return a gift under a will by Simon Crawford of HWL Ebsworth - what you need to know if asked to return a gift under a will
Law in Action (BBC) for 8 March presented by Joshua Rozenberg - Gender recognition
Law Report (ABC) for 8 March presented by Damian Carrick - Ukraine : how clear are the laws of war? And women's rights to inherit land
Regulating cumulative environmental change in multi-layered legal contexts by Associate Professor Rebecca Nelson at University of Melbourne
'Uber' one year on : so what has changed in the world of employment status? by Jason Galbraith-Marten QC and Sheryn Omeri of Cloisters Chambers
'Uneasy lies the head that wears a crow' : recent developments regarding the immunities of heads of state and government by Philippa Webb, Professor of Public International Law at King's College London at University of Oxford
The uses of precedent in legal argument by Claudio Michelon, Edinburgh School of Law Research Paper No. 2022/04 - considers precedent