Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Administrative law in the digital world by Paul Daly, Jennifer Raso and Joe Tomlinson in Carol Harlow ed., Research Handbook on Administrative Law, forthcoming - considers administrative law
Extraterritorial application of human rights by Philipp Janig in Christina Binder, Manfred Nowak, Jane A Hofbauer and Philipp Janig (eds), Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights, forthcoming - examines extraterritorial application of human rights
The future for dispute resolution – horizon scanning, the Sir Brian Neill Lecture by Sir Geoffrey Vos, delivered to the Society of Computers and Law
High Court widens ability to compulsorily examine company directors by 'eligible applicants' by Jonathan Kramersh, Josh Hanegbi and Thaivini Sathiyaseelan of HWL Ebsworth - considers Walton & Anor v ACN 004 410 883 Ltd (Formerly Arrium Limited)(In Liquidation) & ORS [2022] HCA 3
Law Report (ABC) for 22 March presented by Damian Carrick - Sandy Hook settlement, and pets in family law disputes
Melbourne Law School 2022 Rare books lecture by Dr Andrew Godwin at University of Melbourne - lecture on the life and career William Ah Ket
Rectifying injustices in contract formation : Court of Appeal confirms approach to setting aside unfair contracts under the Contracts Review Act by Andrew Lacey, Guy Lewis and Kaitlyn Oliver of McCabes - considers Balagiannis v Balagiannis [2022] NSWCA 18