Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Authoritarian constitutionalism with Paul Fisher, from University of Oxford
Conceptualizing the field of comparative constitutional law by David S. Law, Constitutionalism in Context (David S. Law ed., Cambridge University Press 2022), Virginia Public Law and Legal Theory Research Paper No. 2022-24
The cornerstone of our law : equality, consistency, and judicial review by Michael P. Foran in Cambridge Law Journal (forthcoming)
Devolution in the United Kingdom : an introduction by Mark Elliott on Constitutional Law Matters
The Federal Court Appeal in Sharma : what does it really mean for Government decision makers by Samantha Murphy and Emily Dunford of Maddocks
Law Report (ABC) for 29 March presented by Damian Carrick - 'Predatory lending', and supporting Indigenous people in NT watch houses
Royal Caribbean Cruises appeal – the ship master's power of detention at common law by Geoff Farnsworth and Isabella Costa of Holding Redlich
What is a constitution? by Noah Garver on SSRN