Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
The High Court on constitutional law : the 2021 term marking out the limits of judicial review by James Stellios, ANU College of Law Research Paper No. 22.8
Law Report (ABC) for 5 April presented by Damian Carrick - Cheng Lei awaits China trial verdict, and Vic court rules on wind farm noise
Lord Pannick QC on Twenty to 1 Podcast with Josiah Senhu
The 'march of structured proportionality' : the future of rights and freedoms in Australian constitutional law by Dane Luo on Australian Public Law
Varying intensity of judicial review : a conceptual analysis by Paul P. Craig, Public Law, July 2022 (forthcoming)
Welcome Ceremony for the Hon Justice Elisabeth Peden, Supreme Court of New South Wales
What the heck is a 'conservation zone'? by Joshua Same and Blake Dyer of Maddocks
What's in a name? Political party names and Ruddick v Commonwealth by Graeme Orr on Australian Public Law
Why the history of English law is not taught by Professor Russell Sandberg