Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Devolution : Northern Ireland by Mark Elliott on Constitutional Law Matters
District Court of New South Wales Annual Conference 2022 Criminal law review by Justice Robert A Hulme
Knowledge and approval : the complex interplay between statute and judge-made law by Justice Mark J Leeming at Succession & Elder Lecture Series, Session 5, 5 April 2022, Banco Court, Supreme Court of New South Wales
Law Pod UK Episode 163 : Computer Says No! Automated Decision-Making in the Public Sector, with the Public Law Project, hosted by Rosalind English
Law Report (ABC) for 26 April presented by Damian Carrick - Employer liability for psychiatric injury
The place of the law in digital society by Master of the Rolls, Sir Geoffrey Vos at the Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference in York
The role of medical science within the test of causation by Roni Aloe of McCabes
Selden Society lecture series podcast, Episode 28 — 1922 : after Ryan, the storm with The Hon Justice Patrick Keane AC
What is a will, and why does it matter? by Justice Geoff Lindsay at UNSW Edge Wills and Estate Intensive, 22 March 2022
Workplace reforms in courts and parliaments : some guiding principles by Gabrielle Appleby and Prabha Nanda on Australian Public Law