Requesting from the Library

Please note that a memorandum was sent around to all Clerks this week, summarised below.
Since the resumption of full-time service from the Library and easing of restrictions however, Library staff have noticed that requests that would formerly have been expected to be performed by Chambers staff continue to be sent through to the Library. Examples of this include long lists of readily accessible subscription authorities that can be downloaded in the Library, requests for extensive copying from texts and requests for easily accessible and publicly available legislative materials. The Bar Library reserves the right to decline any requests that fall into the above categories or otherwise create an undue burden on the capacity of the Librarians.
The Bar Librarians are more than happy to assist with quick lists of authorities, copying within reason and locating more obscure publicly available online resources but as a small team servicing a large clientele, more extensive requests that can easily be performed by Chambers staff impact our availability to provide consistent and equitable access to our services across our membership and to use our specialist knowledge in the most effective fashion for more complex research tasks.
The Bar Library is also more than happy to provide training upon request to juniors and other Chambers staff to ensure that we are all using our limited resources in the most effective way.
Please contact if clarification is required, or to arrange training for staff.