New judgments

AB v R [2022] NSWCCA 104 - "The lack of explication with respect to evidence which was important to the applicant’s case is such as to leave the applicant justifiably aggrieved, and promotes the sense that justice has not been done."
Ex rel Six Trailers, Thomas E. Bombadil, Timothy D. Parr v Gail Gustafson, Ernest M. Guftafson, Jr., R and G Contractors, Superior court of Pennsylvania, J-A09038-22 - cause of action was not brought by an actual person or cognizable legal entity, brought by fictitious individuals, one of whom is a character in the Lord of the Rings novels
Marshall v Parole Board [2022] QSC 90 - administrative law, parole board took into account an irrelevant consideration, failed to take into account a relevant consideration and made a decision no reasonable person would have made