Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
1966 and all that : changing our minds in a post–Brexit world, Lady Rose, United Kingdom Association For European Law Annual Lecture
Age of criminal responsibility by Talina Drabsch, Parliament of New South Wales e-brief
Can an AI system be an inventor? Full Court says no by Grant Fisher, David Fixler, Alex Dunlop, Suman Reddy, Jaimie Chapman and Suvradip Maitra of Corrs Chambers Westgarth
Changing the Australian Constitution is not easy. But we need to stop thinking it's impossible by Anne Twomey on The Conversation
Institutional independence and accountability of the judiciary, Lord Burnett of Maldon, Lord Chief Justice, The Lionel Cohen Lecture 2022, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Judicial impartiality, bias and emotion by Kathy Mack, Sharyn Roach Anleu and Jordan Tutton in Australian Journal of Administrative Law (2021) 28(2): 66–82
Justice deferred : Plaintiff M1/2021 v Minister for Home Affairs by Chris Honnery on Australian Public Law
Law Report (ABC) for 31 May presented by Damian Carrick - Fiji environmental crime verdict 'sets precedent'
Megan Davis : the road to the Uluru Statement from the Heart on Conversations with Richard Fidler
The Metric Martyrs case – twenty years on on The Law and Policy Blog
Private law, conscience and moral reasoning : the role of the judge by The Hon Justice Chris Maxwell AC and Professor Matthew Harding, Melbourne University Law Review, Volume 46(1) (forthcoming)
Public institutions, accountability, and sexual violence presented by Dr Catherine Williams, Professor Rosalind Dixon, Professor Gabrielle Appleby and Professor Justine Nolan, Australian Human Rights Institute
Reconcile what? Why white Australia needs to rectify its wrongs by Teela Reid from University of Sydney
Sir Jonathan Jones QC (Hon) : The Northern Ireland Protocol, International Law and the Attorney General, UK Constitutional Law Association