Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Is the Metaverse the virtual wild, wild west?, The Media Sport and Entertainment Law Podcast, Episode 2 presented by Tom K. Ara, Ryan J. Black and Katherine Imp of DLA piper
Law in Action (BBC) for 14 June presented by Joshua Rozenberg - Investigating war crimes in Ukraine
Law Report (ABC) for 21 June presented by Damian Carrick - Can machines invent, and animals create?
Learning from legal archives with Jim Ambuske, from University of Oxford
Multi-tiered dispute resolution clauses – when does an arbitration agreement become 'operative'? by Jeremy Quan-Sing, Lucy Zimdahl, and Samuel Leeson of Allens Linklaters
NCAT's protective jurisdiction in context by Justice Geoff Lindsay, NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) Guardianship Division Training Seminar
A new Treaty Authority between First Peoples and the Victorian government is a vital step towards a treaty by Melissa Castan, Kate Galloway and Scott Walker on The Conversation
Tribute to the Honourable Justice Peter Johnson by The Honourable Justice R A Hulme, speech made at a dinner to mark the retirement as a judge of the Hon Justice Peter Johnson on 16 June 2022
The UK's (new) Bill of Rights by Mark Elliott on Public Law for Everyone