Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Attrition by Joanna Hardy-Susskind on The Secret Barrister
Deadly sins and handy hints of statutory interpretation by Justice Logan, Commentary delivered at the Workshop conducted by the Bar Association of Queensland South Pacific Region Legal Education Committee
Defining democracy down : political judicialisation, judicial politicisation by Helen Dale from the Centre for Independent Studies
Employer's 'inadvertent error' invalidates enterprise agreement by Michael Selinger, Jennifer van Bronswijk and Annelise Harper of Holding Redlich
Law Down Under Podcast presented by Chris Patterson - Justice and legal apps with professors Bin Li and Tania Sourdin
Law Report (ABC) for 26 July presented by Damian Carrick - Who should be held legally liable for accidents involving e-scooters?
NSW Court of Appeal confirms scope of step-in power under an operations and management contract by Alexander Danne and Kon Nakousis of Gilbert + Tobin
Vagueness in legal language : it's not all bad by Megan Ma on Artificial Lawyer
Whither the implied freedom of political communication? by Geoffrey Nettle, (2021) 47(1) Monash University Law Review 1