Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
The ALRC on judicial impartiality - and the momentum towards judicial appointments reform by Andrew Lynch on Australian Public Law
Borderlines podcast hosted by Katerina Linos - Intisar Rabb, Interpreting MetaCanons
COUNTERSIGN podcast hosted by Stewart Motha - EcoLaw featuring Margaret Davies
Data and judicial impartiality by Daniel Ghezelbash, Keyvan Dorostkar, Saul Wodak and Robert Ross on Australian Public Law
Indigenous Voice Co-design Process Final Report by Professors Tom Calma and Marcia Langton
Law Down Under podcast by Chris Patterson - E 18 Social enterprises, impact investing, and podcasting with Steven Moe
Law Report (ABC) for 16 August presented by Damien Carrick - High Court rejects activists' challenge to NSW surveillance laws, and women bring prison stories to the stage
The legalisation of voluntary assisted dying in New South Wales – an overview by Zara Officer and Perry Peralta of Holman Webb
Mutual borrowing and judicial dialogue between the apex courts of Australia and the United Kingdom by Justice Edelman with the Rt Hon. Lady Arden (pre-edited version, published version to be in LQR)
Nothing to fear and much to be gained from a federal judicial commission by Gabrielle Appleby on Australian Public Law
Statutory interpretation in the courts today, by Lord Burrows, Sir Christopher Staughton Memorial Lecture 2022
Taking judging and judges seriously : facts, framework and function in Australian constitutional law" by Justice Gordon AC, Monash University Lucinda Lecture delivered 2 August 2022. Pre-edited version.
Three reasons why disinformation is so pervasive and what we can do about it by Mathieu O'Neil and Michael Jensen on The Conversation
Twitter seeking 'specific performance' against Elon Musk for breach of contract – what does it all mean? by Toby Boys, Tom Goodwin, and James Phillips of Holding Redlich
Questions arising from the FCC and FCoA merge by Leah Reid of Greenway Chambers
When can a court's decision be ignored? by the Hon Justice Kristen Walker, 2022 Melbourne University Law Review Annual Lecture
The Wigs Podcast from Stephen Lawrence (Black Chambers), Emmanuel Kerkyasharian (Forbes Chambers), Felicity Graham (Black Chambers) and Jim Minns - S4 E4 : The new provision of the NSW Bail Act + HCA reaffirming the separation of the Executive and judiciary + DPP v Peckham : no prosecutor? no...
Without fear or favour : the ALRC's report on judicial impartiality by William Isdale and Sarah Fulton on Australian Public Law
Yesterday, today and tomorrow – a trend towards equality? by Chief Justice Kiefel AC at the Australian Women Lawyers Conference 2022