Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Constitutional Clarion, Youtube channel created by Anne Twomey
The dividing line between independent contractor and employment relationships by Anthony Highfield and Kristin Hibbard of HWL Ebsworth
Foreign judges : national courts, transnational connections, panel discussion with Justice Vergil Narokobi, Dr Eselealofa Apinelu, Professor Hugh Corder, Professor Rosalind Dixon and Dr Anna Dziedzic, chaired by Professor Cheryl Saunders at Melbourne Law School
It is not part of a medical assessor's function to determine the scope of a motor accident by Rihab Abdul-Rahman of McCabes
The Law Down Under Podcast presented by Chris Patterson - E19 Modern slavery with Dr Martijn Boersma
Law Report (ABC) for 13 September presented by Damien Carrick - The Queen's role in Australia's constitution
Multi-directionality and universality : global feminisms and international law in the twenty-first century by Karima Bennoune, American Journal of International Law (unbound), Volume 116, 2022, p 275-280
An onus of 'almost nothing' : Nathanson v Minister for Home Affairs by Brandon Smith on Australian Public Law
Proposed penalties raise the bar on competition and consumer law breaches by Joanne Jary and Kayla Plunkett of Holding Redlich
Regional Climate Diplomacy Forum 2022 with Anote Tong and Tommy E. Remengesau Jr. at the Australia Institute
Secondary Rules podcast presented by Joshua Neoh and Ryan Goss - King Charles III
What system of law governs the recognition of foreign maritime liens? by Justice Stewart, MLASA Annual Conference