Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
2022 Mabo Lecture by Dr Terri Janke
Cultural diversity in the law : It is not revolution - but we are going to occupy the buildings by The Honourable Justice Hament Dhanji, Law Society of New South Wales – Cultural Diversity Networking Event
Done By Law podcast, 27 September 2022 presented by Members of the Federation of Community Legal Centres
Drawing the line in apprehended bias cases : Chen v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs [2022] FCAFC 41 by Michael Palfrey, Sarah Thompson and Neil Cuthbert of HWL Ebsworth
Further blood drawn on section 100A and the meaning of ordinary family or commercial dealings by David Hughes and Adria Askin of McCullough Robertson
The High Court of Australia has a majority of women justices for the first time. Here's why that matters by Kcasey McLoughlin on The Conversation
In the service of others : The context, nature and purpose of work of the NSW Trustee and the Public Guardian in the protection of a vulnerable person by The Honourable Justice Geoff Lindsay, NSW Trustee and Guardian Training Seminar
Law Report (ABC) for 4 October presented by Damien Carrick - Does the Government's proposed anti-corruption legislation go far enough?
NSW introduces positive duty to manage risks of psychosocial hazards at work by Brigid Clark and Emily Peachey of Maddocks
One Plus One with Megan Davis
Pure economic loss in the law of tort : the history and theory of assumption of responsibility, Lord Sales, The Annual Tort Law Research Group Lecture
Secondary Rules podcast with Joshua Neoh and Ryan Goss - Crisis and Catharsis
Some evidentiary issues in patent law by Justice Jayne Jagot, Presentation to IPSANZ Conference on 18 September 2022
Swans, sturgeon and mines : the history of challenges to the royal prerogative – Part I and Part II by Katy Barnett on Admin Law Blog
The Wigs Podcast from Stephen Lawrence (Black Chambers), Emmanuel Kerkyasharian (Forbes Chambers), Felicity Graham (Black Chambers) and Jim Minns - S4 E5 : Morrison's Multiple Ministries + Can A Guilty Plea and Conviction Be Set Aside By An Appeal Court