
AI is creeping into the world's courts. Should we be concerned? by Henry Zwartz on UNSW Newsroom
Give legal rights to animals, trees and rivers, say experts by Haroon Siddique on The Guardian
How a Supreme Court case about Andy Warhol's paintings of Prince could reshape freedom of expression by Shanti Escalante-De Mattei and Tessa Solomon on ARTNews
A humanoid robot wearing overalls has given evidence at a UK hearing by Pranjali Sehgal on SBS News
NT government to introduce laws raising the age of criminal responsibility and reforming adult mandatory sentencing by Thomas Morgan on ABC News
Pigs can't fly, but they can produce tough legal questions at the Supreme Court by Nina Totenberg on NPR
Turkey : "Dark day for online free expression" as new 'disinformation law' is passed on Amnesty International
'Walk away' : traditional owners defend Kakadu against a new push from uranium miners by Ben Butler on The Guardian
What's in the public interest? Murdoch v Crikey trial could test new defamation defence by Amanda Meade on The Guardian