Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Ceremonial Sitting of the High Court of Australia to welcome Justice Jayne Margaret Jagot as a Justice of the High Court, speech by Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP
Constitutional freedoms and statutory executive powers by Janina Boughey and Anne Carter, (2022) 45(3) Melbourne University Law Review (advance)
Dismissals for out of hours conduct. Can employers discipline employees for their behaviour outside of work? by Clare Raimondo and Aleksandar Vukoje of HWL Ebsworth
"Enduring agents" : creation, use and abuse of enduring powers of attorney and enduring guardianship appointments, The Honourable Justice G Lindsay, Western Sydney University Elder Law Webinar
The failed 1898 referendum on Australian federation by Anne Twomey on Constitutional Clarion
Finding the 'line' between the work and private lives of employees by Andrew Klein and James Beutler of Holding Redlich
Here's why I'm celebrating banned books week by Barack Obama on Medium
Judicial legitimacy by Justice Stephen Gageler, 2022 Australian Judicial Officers Association Colloquium in Hobart, Tasmania
The law of unintended consequences by Joshua Rozenberg on A Lawyer Writes
Law Report (ABC) for 18 October presented by Damien Carrick - UN calls for unlimited access for team inspecting detention facilities
The making of modern Ukraine. Class 1 : Ukrainian questions posed by Russian invasion, Timothy Snyder, Yale Courses
A new national plan aims to end violence against women and children ‘in one generation’. Can it succeed? by Anastasia Powell on The Conversation
Pure economic loss in the law of tort : the history and theory of assumption of responsibility, Lord Sales, The Annual Tort Law Research Group Lecture
Secondary Rules podcast with Joshua Neoh and Ryan Goss - Lest ye be a judge