Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
2022 Dr Charles Perkins Oration, delivered by Larissa Baldwin, from University of Sydney
Asymmetrical Haircuts podcast presented by Janet Anderson, Stephanie van den Berg and Margherita Capacci - Episode 67 – Staging an ICJ intervention with Juliette McIntyre
Clarity in legislation, Diggory Bailey and Luke Norbury, 'Clarity in legislation' in Constantin Stefanou (ed.) Modern legislative drafting - a research companion (Routledge) (forthcoming) (2022)
Confronting race, Chapter III and preventive (in)justice : Garlett v Western Australia by Tamara Tulich and Sarah Murray on Australian Public Law
Innovative justice, The Honourable A S Bell, Sir Ninian Stephen Lecture, University of Newcastle
The Law Down Under podcast presented by Chris Patterson - E20 Regulation of therapeutic goods and medical devices with Dr Marco Rizzi
Law in Action (BBC) presented by Joshua Rozenberg - Scrapping European law
Law Pod UK presented by Rosalind English - What type of property is crypto? with Rob Kellar KC
Law Report (ABC) for 1 November presented by Damien Carrick - 'Juror misconduct' ends parliament rape trial; 'proper inquiry' in road accidents
Net neutrality : big tech vs big telco by Peter Waters, Andrew Low, Tanya Macdonald and Simon Muys of Gilbert + Tobin
The official story of the law by William Baude and Stephen E. Sachs, Oxford journal of legal studies (forthcoming)
Ombuds(man) – what's in a name? by Anita Shtmucke and Matthew Groves on Admin Law Blog
SDCV v Director-General of Security : 'closed evidence' and 'practical justice' by David Hume on Australian Public Law
Secondary Rules podcast presented by Joshua Neoh and Ryan Goss - The end of the beginning
Secret ministries and the Constitution : an implied requirement of publication? by Fiona Roughley and Megan Caristo,(2023) Australian Law Journal (forthcoming)
Sentencing Explained podcast presented by the Hon Peter McClellan AM KC - Ep. 02 : Perspectives on the Sentencing Council with Moira Magrath and Howard Brown
Settled practice in statutory interpretation by Diggory Bailey, Cambridge law journal (forthcoming)