Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
2022 Selden Society lecture — The Hon Keith Mason AC KC on Sir Frederick Jordan, Supreme Court Library Queensland
Bail : firearms and criminal associations, final report, New South Wales Law Reform Commission
The High Court re-affirms the 'presumption' of advancement by Susan Goodman, William Madani and Jack Townsend of Holding Redlich
Hurdles that must be overcome by motor accident insurers in establishing contributory negligence by Raissa Galang of McCabes
Independence and apparent bias : judicial and arbitral confidence : Halliburton v Chubb, Chief Justice Allsop AO, The Goff Lecture 2022
The King's Prerogative 1622; the Prime Minister's Prerogative 2022, Lord Judge, Selden Society Inns of Court annual history lecture
Law Down Under podcast presented by Chris Patterson - E21 Body image law - with Dr Marilyn Bromberg
Law Report (ABC) for 8 November presented by Damien Carrick - Inside Thomas Embling Hospital, a forensic health facility
On the Record at The National Archives - Treason : people, power and plot
Report No. 62 - Social Issues - Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Bill 2022%20Bill%202022.pdf ""), Standing Committee on Social Issues, New South Wales Legislative Council
Secure Jobs, Better Pay Bill introduced into parliament by Dominic Fleeton, Michaela Moloney, Nick Ruskin, Greta Marks, Aaron Prabhu, Amber Harrington, Nikita Scott and Tasman Skiba of K&L Gates
Sentencing Explained podcast presented by the Hon Peter McClellan AM KC - Ep. 3 : The role and duty of a prosecutor with Director Sally Dowling