Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Being a judge, Chief Justice Allsop AO, PNG Bench and Bar Dinner
Can remote working solve the digital divide? by James Pomeroy and Peter Waters of Gilbert + Tobin
Equity's challenge : maintenance of standards in deployment of enduring powers of attorney and enduring guardianship appointments, The Honourable Justice G Lindsay, STEP Australia (NSW Branch) lecture
Gender Affirmation Policies and leave : best practice considerations for employers by Meaghan Bare, Lindy Richardson, Kirsten Sullivan and Brayden Moulday of Maddocks
How to think about democracy by Professor John Keane on Democracy and Its Enemies
Is this the end of enterprise bargaining? by Mick Moy of McCullough Robertson
Law Report (ABC) for 22 November presented by Damien Carrick - Big banks settle insurance class actions; what are your rights in neighbour disputes over trees?
Legislative complexity : what is it, how do we measure it, and why does it matter? by Lisa Burton Crawford, Elma Akand, Steefan Contractor and Scott Sisson on Australian Public Law
Making good decisions, The Honourable Justice A Payne, NCAT Member Conference
Sentencing Explained podcast presented by the Hon Peter McClellan AM KC - Ep. 05 with Justices Christine Adamson and Robert Hulme, Stepping through sentencing with Supreme Court Judges