Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Federal parliament approves massive increases in penalties for privacy breaches by Michael do Rozario, James North, Philip Catania, Clare Mould, Matthew Lee and Jonathan Bean of Corrs Chambers Westgarth
A gift to Australia : Professor Megan Davis and the Uluru Statement from the Heart from Melbourne Law School
Introductory remarks on the occasion of the 10th John Lehane Memorial Lecture, Honourable A S Bell
Kim Santow law and social justice panel : The promise and pitfalls of a marketised NDIS, with Professor Emeritus Ron McCallum AO, Dr Angela Jackson, Deborah Connors and Giancarlo de Vera, facilitated by Australia’s Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Dr Ben Gauntlett, from University of Sydney
Law Down Under podcast presented by Chris Patterson - E22 Access to civil justice with Dr Bridgette Toy-Cronin
Law in Action presented by Joshua Rozenberg - Full-length interview with Robert Spano, recent president of the ECHR
Law Report (ABC) for 6 December presented by Damien Carrick - Data breaches and the Privacy Act; what are your rights when it comes to your home's access to sunlight?
Out of time for crime : the Full Federal Court's decision in Walker v Members Equity Bank Limited by Rani John, Peter Richard and Johnny Nguyen of Ashurst
Theoretical advances and problems in the sociology of punishment by Professor David Garland at University of Sydney
Timely reminder on the importance of 'design excellence' by Patrick Holland, Kate Swain and Elizabeth Ryan of McCullough Robertson
To retain or to destroy? The interaction between privacy, document retention and destruction policies by Yvonne O'Byrne of Gadens
Turning the negative into a positive – an exploration of the new obligations under the Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Bill 2022 by Kathryn Dent and Nicola Ray of HWL Ebsworth