Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Construction in liquidation : the overlap between the Corporations Act and security of payment legislation by Sam Kingston and Christian Mennilli of Maddocks
Ecologically sustainable development requires consulting traditional landowners by Jenny Humphris, Dr Joseph Monaghan, Christopher Watt and Jacob Atkinson of Holding Redlich
Law Report (ABC) for 13 December presented by Damien Carrick - Singing to the sea
A nudge in the right direction; some landmark cases and the development of the law, Chief Justice Kiefel AC, Hal Wootten Lecture 2022
Sentencing Explained podcast presented by the Hon Peter McClellan AM KC - Ep. 08 : Police, sentencing and alternative pathways
Sentencing Explained podcast presented by the Hon Peter McClellan AM KC - Ep. 07 : A look at Legal Aid and sentencing with Director Robert Hoyles
Talking About Justice from the Centre for Crime, Law and Justice - S3 Ep3, Young people and climate justice
Thinking about the bigger picture : government lawyers and Australian democracy, Justice Gleeson, AGS Administrative Law Forum
When AI fails, who's responsible? by Amelia Harvey and Peter Waters of Gilbert + Tobin
The Wigs Podcast from Stephen Lawrence (Black Chambers), Emmanuel Kerkyasharian (Forbes Chambers), Felicity Graham (Black Chambers) and Jim Minns - End of year extravaganza - The Wigs tackle equity and the doctrine of unconscionability + Year in review!