Please don't deface our books!

The Bar Library team has recently noticed a disturbing trend whereby our books and other materials are being returned to us damaged with highlighting, underlining and stuck full of post-it notes. The Bar Library's collection is for all members to make use of and this type of vandalism benefits no-one. Please note the relevant Bar Library rules below :
19. Borrowers shall be held responsible for loss of or damage to, any item on loan in their name.
20. Replacement costs will be charged for any item not received by the Library. Further, a $50 processing charge may be levied to replace damaged or lost items. Should these penalties not be paid, the Library will suspend the borrower’s right to borrow until payment in full has been made.
We are not automatically assuming that it is the members themselves causing this damage but as the items go out on member borrowing records it is they who are ultimately responsible for returning the books in the condition in which they were loaned. Please pass this message on to any chambers staff who may be making use of Bar Library materials borrowed in your name.