Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Can AI solve the Tower of Babel? by Peter Waters of Gilbert + Tobin
Determining "current market rent" under the Retail Leases Act 1994 (NSW) : what standards must a valuer meet? by David Wilkie and Riley Taylor of Clayton Utz
Law Report (ABC) for 11 July presented by Damien Carrick - 'Tsunami of suffering': Robodebt royal commission findings explained
A locally controlled foreign trading company - must it call Australia home? by Nicholas Wookey, Jack Stuk and Harry Giannakidis of KHQ Lawyers
Navigating complex legislation : when courts disagree about how to interpret defined terms by Liam Prescott and Nick Wray-Jones of DLA Piper
No claim for a residential cost plus contract blowing the budget by Andrew Hales, Mark Glynn and Tom Lawler of MinterEllison
Secondary Rules podcast presented by Joshua Neoh and Ryan Goss - The Lord Peach Carries the Sword of Mercy
Supreme Court clarifies applicability of NSW Crimes Act provision to successor fund transfers by Luke Hooper and Jack Trainor of Holding Redlich
The trump card : ENT19 v Minister for Home Affairs [2023] HCA 18 by Douglas McDonald-Norman on Australian Public Law
What is a 'bona fide' claim on unconditional security? by Andrew Hales, Karen Hanigan and Sean Cooley of MinterEllison