Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Avoiding a crime when changing trustees – application of MLC Investments Ltd by Esterina Azzi of McCullough Robertson
Distinguishing an employee from an independent contractor by Lynden Albiston of Lander and Rogers
Federal jurisdiction and post-conviction review mechanisms : Attorney-General (Cth) v Huynh [2023] HCA 13 by Jack Zhou on Australian Public Law
High Court decision signals stricter penalties for foreign bribery offences by Howard Rapke, Gemma Hannah and Adele Murchie of Holding Redlich
High Court paves way for increased penalties for corporate offending by Richard Harris, Colleen Platford, Antonia Garling, Peter Munro and David Wiseman of Gilbert + Tobin
Is change on the horizon for corporate insolvency in Australia? by Foez Dewan of McCabes
Law Report (ABC) for 8 August presented by Damien Carrick - Could sending an emoji land you in legal trouble?
One judiciary and the administration of justice in New South Wales, the Honourable A S Bell, Address to the Local Court of New South Wales Conference 2023
What additional protection does an indemnity provide? by Michael Swinson and Inna Kuzminykh of King and Wood Mallesons
When can an employer be held vicariously liable for an employee's wrongful act? by Brigitte Challis and Norman Lucas of Maddocks
The Wigs Podcast from Stephen Lawrence (Black Chambers), Emmanuel Kerkyasharian (Forbes Chambers), Felicity Graham (Black Chambers) and Jim Minns - A Chat With The Wigs' India Correspondent Siddharth Narrain