Attend : Current issues in the practice of employment and industrial law

Attend : Current issues in the practice of employment and industrial law, presented by the Federal Court of Australia.
Welcome by Chief Justice Debbie Mortimer followed by four short presentation.
- Statistics and practice in the Employment and Industrial Relations National Practice Area, Justice Darryl Rangiah of the Federal Court of Australia
- Issues in adverse action and other Fair Work litigation, Judge Jonathan Forbes and Judge Amanda Mansini of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2)
- Employment law class actions, Jonathan Kirkwood SC and Siobhan Kelly of the Victorian Bar
- The positive duty to prevent sexual harassment, Kirsty Stewart and Paris Dean of the South Australian Bar
Time : Wednesday, 13 September 2023, 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm (EST)
Place : Sydney Registry of the Federal Court
See details here.