Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Beware the verbal contract by Tim Case and Alan Wrigley of McCullough Robertson
Crossing the ditch? – Zurich Insurance Company Ltd & Anor v Koper [2023] HCA 25 by Nicholas Matkovich and Vignesh Iyer of HWL Ebsworth
First Peoples and the people of the Australian Commonwealth by Nicholas Aroney, University of Queensland
It's Not Just the Vibe, It's the Constitution podcast presented by Kim Rubenstein and James Blackwell - Episode 5 : Representative democracy
Julius Stone Address : What is political progress?, Professor Lea Ypi, University of Sydney
Law Report (ABC) for 5 September presented by Damien Carrick - Judge liable for wrongful imprisonment and a Palawa lawyer's case for No
Mercedes-Benz defeats dealers in landmark agency model case by Adrian Kuti, Mihkel Wilding, Anchal kapur and Julian Rein of Clayton Utz
Overhaul of gig worker rights by Will Spargo, Cameron Hannebery, Christian Mooney, Jeremy Hanrahan, Kaitlyn Gulle and Vince Rogers of Lander and Rogers
Remarks on the occasion of celebrating Professor Barbara McDonald's contribution to the University of Sydney Law School, The Honourable Justice M. J. Leeming
Secondary Rules podcast presented by Ryan Goss and Joshua Neoh - Indira Gandhi v Director of the Islamic Department
Supreme Court of New South Wales 2023 Annual Conference - Criminal law review, The Honourable Acting Justice R. A. Hulme
Treasury consults on unfair trading practices in Australia from Gilbert + Tobin
When will a deed of company arrangement be terminated as an abuse of process? by Chris Kintis, Paul Evans and Bishoy Genday of Cornwalls
The Wigs Podcast from Stephen Lawrence (Black Chambers), Emmanuel Kerkyasharian (Forbes Chambers), Felicity Graham (Black Chambers) and Jim Minns - Revisiting the prosecution's duty of disclosure