New judgments

AHG WA (2015) Pty Ltd v Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific Pty Ltd [2023] FCA 1022 - contractual power of non-renewal, termination of dealership agreement, franchising
AZC20 v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs & Ors [2023] HCA 26 - constitutional law
Douglas v Mikhael [2023] NSWSC 979 - oral contract
In the matter of ACN 613 909 596 Pty Ltd (formerly Minle Wine Negociants of Australia Pty Ltd) (subject to a deed of company arrangement) [2023] NSWSC 753 - voluntary administration, deed of company arrangement
Sargent v Sargent [2023] NSWSC 1063 - evidence, loss of client legal privilege, "intentions…of a client or party who has died"