Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Fri Nov 10 202317 years in the judicial sea : a voyage through my experiences as an admiralty and maritime judge, Justice Rares, MLAANZ NSW Branch 2023 Mini Conference
Citizenship and immigration law : through her opinions, in The jurisprudential legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg 63 (Ryan Vacca & Ann Bartow eds., NYU Press 2023) by M. Isabel Medina, Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Research Paper No. 2013-16
Company directors must act now and consider nature-related risks, according to new legal opinion by Claire Smith, Nick Thomas, Stephanie Daveson and Alice Brennan of Clayton Utz
The entangled complexity of statute law and judge-made law, The Hon. Justice Leeming, UNSW School of Private and Commercial Law Seminar Series
'I have no rights' : what happens to stateless people in Australia after the High Court's ruling? by Katie Robertson and Michelle Foster on The Conversation
An inquiry to investigate a problem creates new problems : the ACT Board of Inquiry into Criminal Justice by Matthew Groves on Australian Public Law
Law Report (ABC) for 7 November presented by Damien Carrick - Naming sexual assault suspects in the media; surveillance in the workplace
Legal opinion – gaps in the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act and other federal laws for protection of the climate, Report for the Climate Council by Professor Jacqueline Peel
A severed finger, a boat and a chain : Farriss v Axford [2023] NSWCA 255 by Nicole Oglesby of McCabes
Trying to understand antisemitism today, Justice Jagot, Sir Zelman Cowen Annual Lecture
Undue influence renders will invalid by Peter Hewish of McCabes
When is there a 'matter' for the Federal Court to resolve? by Michael Palfrey, Daniel Stewart and Neil Cuthbert of HWL Ebsworth
When (lack of) silence is golden – the true impact of non-disparagement clauses by Shaun Temby, Meaghan Bare and Rebecca Power of Maddocks
The Wigs Podcast from Stephen Lawrence (Black Chambers), Emmanuel Kerkyasharian (Forbes Chambers), Felicity Graham (Black Chambers) and Jim Minns - The Curious Case of Judge Vasta
The words that helped wrongly convict Kathleen Folbigg by Kate Burridge and Stephen Cordner on The Conversation