Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Access to justice : rethinking the framework, Sir Ross Cranston, Ninth BAILII Sir Henry Brooke Lecture
Case summary : GLJ v The Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church for the Diocese of Lismore by Justin Dyson of McCabes
Ceremonial sitting of the Full Court to farewell the Honourable Justice Rares, Federal Court of Australia
Comparing Australia's insolvent trading regime with New Zealand's reckless trading regime, Dr Jason Harris, Mark Wellard and Natasha McHattan, Ross Parsons Centre Law and Business seminar
Dignity and adoption in the eyes of a child or young person : the perspective of an equity judge, Justice Geoff Lindsay AM, Adoption Conference
Exceptions : self-defence as an exception to the prohibition on the use of force by Iain Scobbie, The University of Manchester Legal Research Paper Series No. 23/16
High Court reasons on immigration ruling pave way for further legislation by Daniel Ghezelbash and Anna Talbot on The Conversation
Law Report (ABC) for 21 November presented by Damien Carrick - Battle of the burger chains; hundreds sentenced in Italy mafia trial
New point of law : what can be considered as a protected document? by Patrick Ibbotson, Susanne Rakoczy of Maddocks
Piecrust promises and broken hearts on Conversations with Richard Fidler
Profoundly different ways of thinking : management of persons, property and relationships disputes v adjudication of competing claims of right, Justice Geoff Lindsay AM, STEP NSW
Unjust enrichment in Australia 2021-2022 by Kit Barker and Penelope Bristow in 2023 Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 130-170
Use of artificial intelligence in criminal cases by Srishti Agarwal in International Review of Law and Technology Volume 2 Issue 2, Forthcoming
The Wigs Podcast from Stephen Lawrence (Black Chambers), Emmanuel Kerkyasharian (Forbes Chambers), Felicity Graham (Black Chambers) and Jim Minns - Stephen interviews Bri Lee, author of Eggshell Skull