Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Adjustment disorder or persistent depression? by Helen Huang of McCabes
Beyond 'quiet criticism' : filling the gaps in government accountability post-Robodebt by Ruchira Abeyratna on Australian Public Law
The crackdown on land clearing : Chief Executive of the Office of Environment and Heritage v Turnbull [2023] NSWLEC 137 by Patrick Holland, Kate Swain and Kara Mezinec of McCullough Robertson
Disrupting infrastructure : space, speed and street governance by Amelia Thorpe, UNSW Law Research Paper No. 62
High Court finds no authorisation of copyright infringement in Real Estate Tool Box Pty Ltd v Campaigntrack Pty Ltd by Max Jones of Allens Linklaters
Landmark SafeWork NSW win against Qantas reiterates the standing of health and safety representatives under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 by Bruce Heddle, Dale McQualter, Christine Maibom and Kenya Walker of Maddocks
The public interest : new defamation defence finally tested by Ian Bloemendal and Shane Montgomery of Clayton Utz
The WayForward : the admissibility of 'WayBack Machine' evidence by Gus Skavronskas and Justin Pennay of McCabes
Where to next? Building a culture, Justice Francois Kunc, 36th National Conference of the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators
You can't serve two masters : High Court says Australian Consumer Law gives way to specialised consumer protection legislation by Justin Jones and Amanda Tesvic of Ashurst