Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
The causation obligation – PIC WPI assessments : Allianz Australia Insurance Ltd v Salucci [2023] NSWSC 1593 by Raissa Galang of McCabes
Exploring the interface between the common law of tort and statute law, Lord Sales, Annual Richard Davies Lecture for the Personal Injuries Bar Association
How the milestone Declaration was made : Episode 2, Universal Declaration of Human Rights 75 years on from Australian Human Rights Commission
The interface between contract and equity, Lord Sales, Equity Conference 2023
The law and AI : where are we going?, Lord Hodge, Lecture at De Montfort University, Leicester
On the job? The law on status in a gig economy, Lady Rose, The BACFI Denning Lecture 2023
Proportionate liability regime does not apply to claims for breach of the statutory duty of care under the Design and Building Practitioners Act (NSW) 2020 by Elizabeth Brookes and Marco Giallonardo of Lander and Rogers
Rectification of testamentary writings in Scotland, England and Wales, and Australia by Daniel James Carr, Forthcoming in (2023) 17 Journal of Equity 181
'Standard jural relations of ownership' : a novel theoretical framework informed by Wesley Hohfeld and Tony Honoré by Juan Diaz-Granados, Monash University Law Review (Vol 49, No 2) 2023
Trying to understand antisemitism today, Justice Jagot, Sir Zelman Cowen Annual Lecture
Who decides? What should be local and what should be national in judicial review?, Chief Judge Jeffrey S Sutton, United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit