Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Causation questions render claim unsuitable for assessment by Helen Huang of McCabes
Children's rights and participation in youth justice systems : an international perspective from University of Sydney
Grill'd vs KFC : healthy fried chicken trade mark success by Leanne Oitmaa and Jacqueline Simpkin of Griffith Hack
Law Report (ABC) for 23 January presented by Damien Carrick - South Africa's genocide case against Israel at the ICJ
More welcome clarity on SOP Act payment claims : security called on by principal cannot be claimed by Kyle Siebel and Jessica Xu of Holding Redlich
Rescuing the Afghan women judges by Justice Susan Glazebrook, New Zealand Supreme Court
The selection of a defective major premise by William Gummow AC and Aryan Mohseni in (2023) 53 Australian Bar Review 11-20