Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
AI is no Perry Mason (yet) from Gilbert + Tobin
Law Report (ABC) for 6 February presented by Damien Carrick - Derek Bromley to make new parole bid 40 years after murder conviction
NZYQ : consistency, continuity, and human rights by Harry Sanderson and Meghan Malone on Australian Public Law
Proportionate liability scheme does not apply to liability under NSW statutory duty of care by Graham Read, Frank Bannon, Dale Brackin, Sergio Capelli, Alison Close, Stuart Cosgriff, Lina Fischer, Andrew Fry, James Kendal, David Lester, Clive Luck, Katherine Mallik, Greg Midgley, Frazer Moss, Steven Murray, Steve O'Reilly, Gavin Phillips, Joanna Pugsley, Chris Slocombe, Mark Spain, Natalie Speranza and Joanne Teagle of Clayton Utz
When does an employee's social media comment cross the line? by Michael Selinger and Julia Wyatt of Holding Redlich