New journals

Australian corporate lawyer, Volume 28(2), Winter 2018 - in this issue : A day in the life - Ann Stubbings - Group General Counsel and Company Secretary Orora Limited / Legal operations - the big picture / Focusing on what matters most Caroline Cox / Developing a highly engaged legal team Sarah Turner and James Hutchins / Successfully implementing flexible work arrangements Kathleen Forbes / Legal operations for the smaller team Maria Polczynski / Legal innovation on a shoestring : how to innovate on a budget Verity White / The emergence and growth of in-house legal team Annette Musolino / The rise of big data Jodie Baker / Practical advice for internally investigating high visibility employees and contractors Monica Allen, Steve Bishara and Matthew Schelp / The yin and yang of managing an in-house legal team Sandra Eckert / Innovation and the legal services supply chain Shanan Kan and George Beaton / Communicating through a crisis : the cost of not saying sorry James Melville-Ross and Adam Davidson / Mentoring : unveiling the unknown known Karina Butera
Law institute journal, Volume 92(6), June 2018 - in this issue : Designing digital justice Kathy Laster / Judge Julie Condon Sam Pandya / Administrators at large in a legal labyrinth Anthony Burke / To frack or not to frack Andrew Komesaroff and Christopher Langton / Redicovering an ancient tort Jeremy King and Yusur Al-Azzawi / What price? Quantifying loss for survivors of childhood sexual abuse Grace Wilson and Michael Magazanik / Bridging the information gap Barry Yau and David Catanzariti / Profession by lawyers Gino Dal Pont / Take a step back Legal Practitioners' Liability Committee / can this be right? Russell Cocks / Redefining legal practice in a tech revolution Fabian Horton / New law catches up / Prevent bill shock and avoid complaints Mark Bellamy / Resilience building key for lawyers Elena Tsalanidis and Vanessa Shambrook / Know your limit Andrew Proebstl / How to change practice areas Thomas Hobbs / Managed investment scheme update Pamela Hanrahan / Look after yourself / Don't feel bad
Proctor, Volume 38(5), June 2018 - in this issue : In the long run, you can make a difference Rolf Moses / Investigations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 Stephen Keim / The importance of Mabo Day and the Native Title Act 1993 Leah Cameron and Cassie Lang / The government grants process : recent trends and key issues Catherine Jackson / Litigation privilege and witnesses : what protection applies to third-party communications? Kylie Downes and Brent Reading / The truth about lying Stafford Shepherd / Copyright and privacy : why legislators and the law fail in the digital age Sheetal Deo / Magic money - estate litigation and cost orders Christine Smyth / Eyes in the sky, and all around : computer vision threatens current notions of privacy Rachel Treasure / Recklessness leads to landmark WHS prosecution : $900K for NSW category one offence Andrew Ross / Son gains access to parents' 1977 court file Robert Glade-Wright
University of New South Wales law journal, Volume 41(2), 2018 - in this issue : Where does truth lie? The challenges and imperatives of fact-finding in trial, appellate, civil and criminal courts and international commissions of inquiry Michael Kirby / Lessons from history in dealing with our most dangerous Harry Hobbs and Andrew Trotter / Determining suicide under Australian law Stephanie Jowett, Belinda Carpenter and Gordon Tait / Family property division and the principle of judicial restraint Patrick Parkinson / The French court and the principle of legality Bruce Chen / Holding food companies responsible for unhealthy food marketing to children : can international human rights instruments provide an new approach? Elizabeth Handsley and Belinda Reeve / Characterisation of breach of confidence as a privacy tort in private international law Michael Douglas / The limits of comparative public law methodology in international investment law : an Australian case study Alexander Ferguson / Removing donor anonymity : what does it achieve? Revisiting the welfare of donor-conceived individuals Michelle Taylor-Sands / Assessing the effectiveness of wellbeing initiatives for lawyers and support staff Suzanne Poynton, Janet Chan, Melissa Vogt, Anne Grunseit and Jasmine Bruce