New and updated NSW Bills

Awaiting assent
Companion Animals and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 - awaiting assent 6 June
Government Sector Finance Bill 2018 - awaiting assent 7 June
Kosciuszko Wild Horse Heritage Bill 2018 - awaiting assent 6 June
Miscellaneous Acts Amendment (Marriages) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent 6 June
Public Health Amendment (Safe Access to Reproductive Health Clinics) Bill 2018 (Sharpe) - awaiting assent 8 June
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent 6 June
In progress
Crimes Amendment (Publicly Threatening and Inciting Violence) Bill 2018 - introduced in Legislative Assembly 5 June, awaiting second reading debate
Criminal Legislation Amendment (Child Sexual Abuse) Bill 2018 - introduced in Legislative Assembly 6 June, awaiting second reading debate
Fair Trading Amendment (Short-term Rental Accommodation) Bill 2018 - introduced in Legislative Assembly 6 June, awaiting second reading debate
Forestry Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 - in Legislative Council, to be reported 6 June
Government Sector Finance Legislation (Repeal and Amendment) Bill 2018 - in Legislative Assembly awaiting consideration of Legislative Council amendments 7 June
Justice Legislation Amendment Bill (No 2) 2018 - in Legislative Assembly awaiting minister's second reading speech 6 June (was introduced in the Legislative Council)
Modern Slavery Bill 2018 - to be reported 6 June
Unexplained Wealth (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2018 - in Legislative Assembly awaiting second reading debate 6 June
Victims Rights and Support Amendment (Statutory Review) Bill 2018 - in Legislative Assembly awaiting second reading debate 6 June
Water Management Amendment Bill 2018 - in Legislative Council, second reading debate adjourned 6 June (was introduced in the Legislative Council)
Notice of motion
Protection of the Environment Operations Amendment (Marine Plastics Reduction) Bill 2018 - notice of motion 7 June
Wellbeing Indicators Bill 2018 - notice of motion 6 June
Commencement proclaimed
Smoke-free Environment Amendment Act 2018 - commencement proclamation 6 June