Interesting articles, videos and podcasts

Consignor fined $100,000 for unsafe transportation of goods by Rebecca Niumeitolu of Holding Redlich - considers Environment Protection Authority v Toll Group Forwarding Pty Ltd [2018] NSWLEC 11
Corrs High Vis : Episode 26 – Murray report reviewing the national security of payment laws Andrew McCormack, Wayne Jocic, and Sam Woff of Corrs Chambers Westgarth - discusses some of the recommendations from the report
Google this : the High Court allows Google to be sued for defamation by John Swinson and Cate Nagy of King & Wood Mallesons - considers Trkulja v Google LLC [2018] HCA 25
Law Pod UK Ep. 36: Secrecy, anonymity and public information presented by Emma-Louise Fenelon - considers secrecy, anonymity and public information in major inquests and inquiries
Law Report (ABC) for 12 June, presented by Damien Carrick - topics are Beauty professionals receive training to support clients experiencing family violence and Victorian Supreme Court decision strikes out exorbitant legal fees (which deals with the decision in Robinson v Jones (No 5) [2018] VSC 202
Perspectives on elder abuse - ALRC President, Justice Sarah Derrington, Principal Legal Officer, Matt Corrigan and Ellen Fanning discuss how law reform can support efforts to address elder abuse
Should justice move online, from Law in Action (BBC), 12 June - notes that in Canada there is new online tribunal handling things like small claims and property disputes
Wahba v Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers : the damages regime in airline cases – Federal or State? by Matthew Brooks and Jonathan Yee of HWL Ebsworth - considers Wahba v Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers [2018] NSWDC 128
What’s going on with the banks and the criminal cartel charges? by Hannah Marshall and Michael Bradley of Marque Lawyers - considers capital raising and criminal cartel charges