Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts

The art of decision-making by Justice Greenwood, presented at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, 2018 National Conference
Law in Action (BBC) for 19 June - Social media in the dock
Law Report (ABC) for 19 June, presented by Damien Carrick - includes High Court rules on Google defamation case and Rebel Wilson damages payout slashed and Holiday cruise ships and the law
Maximising customer loyalty : getting data protection right in running loyalty schemes by Michael do Rozario, Viva Paxton and Phillip Magness of Corrs Chambers Westgarth - considers data protection
Social media use outside of work : Facebook post a valid reason for employee dismissal by Michael Selinger and Natasha Jones of Holding Redlich - considers Waters v Mt Arthur Coal Pty Limited [2018] FWC 3285
Public trust and police legitimacy : diversity and complexity in the 'global city' by Professor Ben Bradford, University College London - considers police legitimacy
What will the Australian Competition Tribunal do now without limited merits review? by the Honourable Justice John E Middleton, President of the Australian Competition Tribunal