New journals

Australian journal of competition and consumer law, Volume 26(2), 2018 - in this issue : Consumer guarantees and the doctrine of the half-truth R J Desiatnik / The collapse of Dick Smith and the problem of gift cards : issues and alternatives for consumer protection Mohammed Al Bhadily and Kyle Bowyer / The new section 46 misuse of market power test and the European Intel experience Elizabeth Hersey / US medical devices cause significant health issues, caravan defects are no holiday, and reasonable offers put a spoke in a wheel Thomas Horatio John Cadd / The flyash saga : chapter three Rebecca McEwen / The Australian Competition Tribunal in 2017 Tim Luxton / Robert Baxt AO - Chair, Trade Practices Commission, 7 April 1988 to 30 June 1991 Hank Spier / Beyond the effects test Peter Strong / The banking royal commission : putting business-first capitalism on trial Xavier O'Halloran / South Africa - enhanced focus on market inquiries Lesley Morphet / The commerce commission clamps down on mobile traders Debra Wilson
Australian law journal, Volume 92(3), March 2018 - in this issue : Current issues - The minister v The courts, Judicial conduct : the United States, Judicial conduct : Australia, Reducing the backlog in criminal courts, A conversation about studying law (imagined), Core business for the High Court? / Conveyancing and property - E-conveyancing, contracts for the sale of land and deeds, Interest of a purchaser under a contract from a mortgagee exercising its power of sale, Strata schemes and short term lettings (again) / Around the nation : Victoria - A lease or a licence : how vagueness occasions substantive unfairness, Living and Leisure v CSR : reservations uncertain, The flexibility of the common law causes injustice, Boundaries : an unknown unknown / Personalia - Commonwealth - Chief Justice Diana Bryant / Recent cases - Administrative law - judicial review - availability of certiorari - error of law on face of record - non-jurisdictional error : Probuild Constructions (Aust) Pty Ltd v Shade Systems Pty Ltd (2018) 92 ALJR 248; [2018] HCA 4 Ruth C A Higgins, United Kingdom - Privy Council - Cayman Islands - judicial independence - apparent bias : Almazeedi v Penner [2018] UKPC 3 R D Turnbull / A "diminished nation"? The Racial Discrimination Act 1975, the Native Title Act 1993 and Constitutional recognition of indigenous Australians Jonathan Fulcher / The doctrine of forbearance Jeremy Stoljar / The duty to mitigate : a comparative analysis between the English common law and the CISG Bruno Zeller / Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police v Hart; Commonwealth v Yak 3 Investments Pty Ltd; Commonwealth v Flying fighters Pty Ltd / Falzon v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection / Australian Building and Construction Commissioner v Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union / Probuild Constructions (Aust) Pty Ltd v Shade Systems Pty Ltd / Maxcon Constructions Pty Ltd v Vadasz
Australian Restructuring, Insolvency and Turnaround Association journal, Volume 30(2), 2018 - in this issue : Q&A with Hamish McCormick Peter Gosnell / A day in the life of a bankruptcy trustee Karin Krueger / Finders, but not keepers Rachell Davey and Helen Suke / How to optimise your referral network Agnes King / The interaction between bankruptcy and intellectual property right Charlie George and Kenneth Stanton / Giving an arm and a leg Bill McCarthy / The Amerind and Killarnee decisions on corporate trading trusts Scott Atkins and Bernie Walrut / Caledon Coal Ben Campbell, Stephen Longley and Grant Sparks / Judicial discretions, s 588FF and the principle that liquidators act honourably and fairly Penelope Pengilley / Receivers, circulating assets and employees as priority creditors Stephen Lloyd / Profile Lucy Palaghia / Jobs and small business - FEG and insolvency practitioners working together effectively Sue Saunders / Jobs and small business - industry engagement and positive results Henry Carr / Superannuation guarantee charge (SGC) information and more Australian Taxation Office / Why regular review of decisions on administrations is important, and information disclosed on the liquidator register Thea Eszenyi / Good practice Kim Arnold, Narelle Ferrier and Mark Wellard / Law reform update / Q&A - your technical insolvency questions answered Narelle Ferrier / Insolvency case reports Mark Wellard /
Monash University law review, Volume 43(2), 2017 - in this issue : Abolishing the curious sentencing anomaly between the voluntary disclosure of one's own offending and assisting authorities with the offending of others Mirko Bagaric / Reviewing the reviewer : the role of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security - Constructing or constricting terrorism law review? Greg Carne / The legality of walking away from Public Service Ombudsman reports : the United Kingdom's experience Brian Yeom / Statutory entitlements as property : implications of property analysis methods for emissions trading Hope Johnson, Pamela O'Connor, William Duncan and Sharon Christensen / Township leases and economic development in Northern Territory aboriginal communities Leon Terrill / What role for adult guardianship in authorising restrictive trade practices? Kim Chandler, Ben White and Lindy Willmott / Yesterday once more : discrimination and LGBTI+ seniors Eileen Webb and Liam Elphick / Legal research in the fourth industrial revolution Terry Hutchinson
Monash University law review, Volume 43(3), 2017 - in this issue : Judge Bridlegoose, randomness and rationality in administrative decision-making Hon Robert French AC / Adverse action protections under the Fair Work Act : fashioning the fashionable Hon Christopher Jessup / Facilitating access to published works for persons with a print disability : amending Australian copyright laws to ensure compliance with the Marrakesh Treaty Jingyi Li and Niloufer Selvadurai / Are Australia's cities outgrowing its construction legislation Matthew Bell / Evaluating the pedagogic value of mooting and 'nooting' at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Cth) Peter Billings / Joint trials and prejudice : a review and critique of the report to the Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sex Abuse Peter M Robinson / Defining 'discrimination' in UK and Australian age discrimination law Alysia Blackham / Privacy concerns over employer access to employee social media Murray Brown and Chris Dent / A question of characterisation : can the Commonwealth facilitate the imposition of religious observances? Hoxton Park Residents Action Group Inc v Liverpool City Council Luke Beck