New or updated NSW Bills

Awaiting assent
Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent 21 June
Appropriation Bill 2018 - awaiting assent 21 June
Crimes Amendment (Publicly Threatening and Inciting Violence) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent 20 June
Criminal Legislation Amendment (Child Sexual Abuse) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent 20 June
Forestry Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 - awaiting assent 21 June
Justice Legislation Amendment Bill (No 2) 2018 - awaiting assent 20 June
Modern Slavery Bill 2018 - awaiting assent 21 June
NSW Generations Funds Bill 2018 - awaiting assent 21 June
Snowy Hydro Legacy Fund Bill 2018 - awaiting assent 21 June
State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 - awaiting assent 21 June
Victims Rights and Support Amendment (Statutory Review) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent 20 June
Water Management Amendment Bill 2018 - awaiting assent 20 June
Commencement proclamations
Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2013 - 25 June 2018 proclaimed as the day on which the uncommenced provisions of the Act commence
Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Act 2018 - 1 July 2018 proclaimed as the day on which the Act commences
In progress
Animal Research Amendment (Reduction in Deaths of Dogs and Cats Used for Research) Bill 2018 - in Legislative Council 21 June, second reading debate adjourned
Crimes Amendment (Misconduct in Public Office and Other Matters) Bill 2018 - in Legislative Assembly 21 June, awaiting second reading debate
Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Moratorium and Restrictions on Recovering Energy from Waste) Bill 2018 - in Legislative Assembly 21 June, second reading debate interrupted
Fair Trading Amendment (Short-term Rental Accommodation) Bill 2018 - in Legislative Council 20 June, awaiting second reading debate
Public Finance and Audit Amendment (State-funded Private Entities) Bill 2018 - in Legislative Assembly 21 June, awaiting second reading debate
Residential Tenancies Amendment (Social Housing) Bill 2018 - in Legislative Assembly 21 June, awaiting second reading debate
Unexplained Wealth (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2018 - in Legislative Council 20 June, awaiting second reading debate