Interesting articles and podcasts

Compulsory acquisition of land : lessons to be learnt from the Desane case by Peter Holt and Georgia Appleby of Holding Redlich - considers Desane Properties Pty Limited v State of New South Wales [2018] NSWSC 553
Contracts of sale, leases and electronic communication : bound before you know it? by Sydney Jacobs of 13 Wentworth Selborne - considers electronic commerce, signatures and transactions
Law in Action (BBC) for 26 June - Facial recognition technology
Law Report (ABC) for 26 June presented by Damien Carrick - Canada's Supreme Court rules on private Christian University law school and Portugal's drug policy
Staying classy – the new trend in employment litigation by Scarlet Reid, Jason Munstermann, Tom Reaburn and Nathan Roberts of McCullough Robertson - considers the trend towards employment-related class action litigation
When can you request a paternity test? by Natasha Heathcote or Armstrong Legal - considers paternity testing and the decision in Brianna & Brianna [2010] FamCAFC 97