New journals

Australian bar review, Vol 45(3), June 2018 - in this issue : My first judges - ten lessons Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG / Unauthorised practice of law G E Dal Pont / Subsequent conduct and the objective theory of contract Timothy Pilkington / Contractual severance : a unified approach? Felicity Maher / Implied waiver of legal professional privilege : a search for consistency Ahmed Terzic / Uncertainty of trust property within a pool of shares Henry Cooper
Brief, Volume 45(5), June 2018 - in this issue : Enhancing community access to justice and law reform Hon John Quigley MLA / Araya v Nevsun Resources and law reform Shaeron Yapp / Press for progress : gender parity and the legal profession Hayley Cormann / Setting aside commercial arbitration awards for procedural unfairness under the Commercial Arbitration Act 2012 (WA) Nunzio Lucarelli / Don McLeod's unusual quest Nicholas Hasluck
Melbourne University law review, Vol 41(3), 2018 - in this issue : Rights in geospatial information : a shifting legal terrain Isabella Alexander and Marlena Jankowska / Shelter from the storm : phoenix activity and the safe harbour Helen Anderson / Remedies for migrant worker exploitation in Australia : lessons from the 7-Eleven wage repayment program Laurie Berg and Bassina Farbenblum / A compromised balance? A comparative examination of exceptions to age discrimination law in Australia and the UK Alysia Blackham / The future of joint trials of sex offenders after Hughes : resolving judicial fears and jurisdictional tensions with evidence-based decision-making Annie Cossins / The concept of coherence in Australian private law Andrew Fell / Equal consideration and informed imagining : recognising and responding to the lived experiences of abused women who kill Anthony Hopkins, Anna Carline and Patricia Easteal / Shotgun referendums : popular deliberation and constitutional settlement in conflict societies Ron Levy / The introduction of limited liability into the English and Australian colonial companies Acts : ineviatable progression or chaotic history? Phillip Lipton / The doctrine of extended joint criminal enterprise : a 'wrong turn' in Australian common law Timothy Smartt / ACB v Thomson Medical Pte Ltd - recovery of upkeep costs, claims for loss of autonomy and loss of genetic affinity : fertile ground for development? Jordan English and Mohammud Jaamae Hafeez-Baig / Executive and legislative power in the implementation of intergovernmental agreements Hon Robert French AC / The changing position and duties of company directors Hon Justice Geoffrey Nettle
Proctor, Volume 38(6), July 2018 - in this issue : Reflect before you react - civility : courtesy or obligation? Ken Taylor / #WeToo : are we ready for this? Rolf Moses / QLS responds on family law reform Natalie De Campo and Pip Harvey Ross / A conversation with Magistrate Payne - 'doing what's required, is to do more' Rolf Moses / Financial agreements - still a good idea? Thorne and Kennedy [2017] HCA 49 Gavin Lai / A coach's view of negotiation Bevan Hughes / Investigations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - may I act for more than one person? Stephen Keim / NAIDOC 2018 - because of her, we can! Candice Hughes and Bianca Hill-Jarro / Statutory exception to the rule against hearsay - section 1305 Corporations Act 2001 Kylie Downes and Mark Steele / Right of entry dispute just a 'storm in a teacup' - is a social visit to a site a breach of entry? Andrew Ross and Matthew Giles / Probate, proof and probity - who may declare the validity of a will? Christine Smyth / Opposing the self-represented litigant - tips for early career lawyers Lidia Vicca / Legal design thinking - can it put the human back into law? Erika Ly / Volunteering in retirement LawRight / Court confirms de facto status of 'couple' Robert Glade-Wright