Interesting articles and podcasts

ACCC to begin enforcing new food labelling requirements by Luke Dale and Daniel Kiley of HWL Ebsworth - from 1 July 2018 the ACCC will start enforcing the new food labelling requirements
Clarity on what constitutes a misleading consumer guarantee representation by Kon Stellios, Robert Walker, Theodore Souris and Alex Neerhut of Allens - considers Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v LG Electronics Australia Pty Ltd [2018] FCAFC 96
Federal Government takes first steps on modern slavery law by Monique Carroll, Jane Menzies and Georgie Bills of King and Wood Mallesons - considers the Modern Slavery Bill 2018 (Cth)
Google under fire again by Hannah Marshall and Daisy von Schoenberg of Marque Lawyers - considers defamation and the litigation between Michael Trkulja and Google
Law Report (ABC) for 3 July presented by Damien Carrick - Cannabis grow house syndicates booming in our suburbs and Strategies to break the cycle of drug related crime
NSW passes on native title compensation by Jenny Humphris of Holding Redlich - examines Part 8 of the Crown Land Management Act 2016 (NSW) which came into effect 1 July 2018