Interesting articles and podcasts

Blurring of professional and personal relationship prevents stop bullying order by Michael Selinger and Georgie Richardson of Holding Redlich - considers Ms Caroline McCutcheon v Fine Wine Wholesalers Pty Ltd; Mrs Veronica Lawrence [2018] FWC 3814
Hello ipso facto… are you prepared for the new ipso facto regime? by Allison McLeod and Jonathan Kramersh of HWL Ebsworth - examines the ipso facto regime came into effect on 1 July 2018
Law Report (ABC) for 10 July - How does the law prevent deaths at work?
Moving people in the age of autonomous vehicles : climate boon or bane? by David Warren of Corrs Chambers Westgarth - contends that whether or not autonomous vehicles are a positive change depends on the policy and regulatory settings put in place to steer change
Protecting ‘Made in Australia’ – changes to food label requirements now mandatory by Belinda Breakspear, Alex Hutchens and Matthew McMillan of McCullough Robertson - changes to food labelling requirements became mandatory on 1 July 2018
Unpacking Treasury’s proposal to extend unfair contract terms protections to insurance contracts – what it means for you by Mandy Tsang, Peter Yeldham, Georgia Cowley and Riana Cermak of King and Wood Mallesons - Treasury has released a proposal paper outlining the planned extension of the unfair contract terms laws to standard form insurance contracts