New journals

Civil justice quarterly, Vol 37(3), 2018 - in this issue : Retrospective validation of service by email and procedural compliance by litigants in person : Barton v Wright Hassall LLP [2018] UKSC 12 Alexandra Allan / Non-party access to witness statements and open justice : Blue v Ashley [2017] EWHC 1552 Peter Burgess / Australian court rejects use of after-the-event insurance policy as security for costs : Petersen Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd v Bank of Queensland Ltd [2017] FCA 699 Stephanie Stacey and Michael Legg / Proving foreign law in domestic proceedings - the futility of the "expert" advocate and some more sensible procedural solutions : Re Harish Salve [2018] SGCA 6 Daryl Xu / Time limits for serving out claim forms and issues of intra-UK jurisdiction : Kennedy v National Trust for Scotland [2017] EWHC 3368 (QB) Julija Stukalina / Addressing concurrent expert evidence Gary Edmond, Ann Plenderleith Ferguson and Tony Ward / Extending the judicial function and managing civil litigation in Australia B C Cairns / Rethinking the scope of freezing injunctions Dr Filip Saranovic
Law institute journal, Volume 92(7), July 2018 - in this issue : Check your state of mind Melinda Walker / Judge Caroline Kirton Belinda Wilson / Not fair game Rebecca Neophitou / It's about the BEAR Tracey Mylecharane / Be clear or face the music Grant Lubofsky / A pragmatic view Elena Tsalanidis / Who gives way at the crossroads? Andrew Field and Michael Rancie / When parents lend to children Legal Practitioners' Liability Committee / Sunset conditions Russell Cocks / How health partnerships can uncover abuse Tori Edwards / Use mediation to grow your practice Rebecca Carroll-Bell / Getting inside the client's head Judith Bennett / Homelessness and women Vanessa Shambrook / Dig for gold Julissa Shrewsbury / Orwellian model a threat Morry Bailes / Seeking justice for Cambodia's youth Carolyn Ford / Too much information / Defy the stigma Jack Heath / Theatre enhances dialogue Kleo Cruse