Interesting articles and podcasts

Digital radar by Kevin Stewart and John Rhodes of Gilbert + Tobin - articles on drones and blockchain
Geoffrey Rush v Nationwide News Pty Ltd & Jonathon Moran by Nicholas Pullen and Priya Wakhlu of HWL Ebsworth - the authors contend that the decisions in Rush v Nationwide News Pty Ltd [2018] FCA 357 and Rush v Nationwide News Pty Ltd (No. 2) [2018] FCA 550 emphasize the precision required in pleading defences to defamation proceedings
Law Report (ABC) for 24 July presented by Damien Carrick - NSW Supreme Court rules on Australian author's estate and Challenges facing Malaysia post election
A sneaking suspicion? Right of entry and access to documents under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) by Stephen Woodbury, Kathy Srdanovic and Geoffrey Giudice of Ashurst - considers Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association v Qantas Airways Ltd [2018] FCA 1065
Unhappy marriage not grounds for divorce, supreme court rules by Damien Gale of The Guardian - in Owens v Owens [2018] UKSC 41 the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom found "a joyless marriage is not adequate grounds for a divorce if one spouse refuses to agree"
Water, territory and the role of history : thoughts from an international perspective - speech by Justice Melissa Perry at the Hellenic Australian Lawyers Association International Legal Conference, 12 July 2018