Interesting articles and podcasts
Fri Aug 17 2018Australia introduces domestic violence leave by Erin Kidd of McCabe Curwood - effective 1 August 2018 the Fair Work Commission has introduced unpaid domestic violence leave into all industry and occupational awards
Determining a defendant's capacity to pay in work health and safety sentencing by Carmel Lee of Greenway Chambers - provides guidance on determination of the capacity of a defendant to pay
Developers, love thy neighbour – accessing neighbouring land to undertake development by Scott Alden, Tony Britt and Christopher Yong of Holding Redlich - examines accessing neighbouring land
Law Report (ABC) for 14 August presented by Damien Carrick - Hiring and firing by an automated system, also see A robot didn't take Ibrahim's job, but it did fire him by Monique Ross and Damien Carrick for ABC's The Law Report
Non-conviction orders for drink driving by Andrew Fraser or Armstrong Legal - examines non-conviction orders for drink driving in NSW and the ACT
Public health law and health leadership in the United States : what can Australia learn? - speakers : Adjunct Professor Alexandra Phelan, Professor Roger Magnusson, Professor Lawrence Gostin and Professor Simon Jackman (Chair) from University of Sydney Law School
Teacher reinstated after flawed student allergy dismissal by Steven Penning, Laura Gavan and Jessica Lim of HWL Ebsworth - examines Catherine Kelly v The Hills Christian Community School Inc T/A The Hills Christian Community School [2018] FWC 4134
There's no time like the present - Australian government introduces national gift card reforms by Anne-Marie Allgrove, Jonathan L Flintoff and Stephen Watts of Baker and McKenzie - the Australian Government has released the draft Competition and Consumer Amendment (Gift Cards) Bill 2018 for public consultation
What could impact the next chapter of workplace relations in Australia? by Geoff Giudice of Ashurst - considers key factors which may indicate what will happen in Australian workplace relations
Why the long face? – factors affecting the enforceability of verbal contracts by Tim Case, Gabriella Ritchie and Alan Wrigley of McCullough Robertson - examines Blue v Ashley [2017] EWHC 1928 (Comm)